Christian Iaione es profesor agregado de Políticas Públicas en la Universidad Guglielmo Marconi de Roma, investigador en el Urban Law Center de la Fordham University y profesor visitante en la Universidad LUISS Guido Carli donde dirige el LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of the Commons. 

Ha sido nombrado experto en el EU Committee of the Regions para la escritura del borrador sobre la dimensión local de la economía colaborativa. 

Es autor de dos libros, y su investigación actual aborda la gobernanza del procomún, en especial de los comunes urbanos y del conocimiento, la economía compartida, la innovación social y el partenariado público-privado en materia de procomún.

(en) Christian Iaione is associate professor of public law at Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome, fellow of the Urban Law Center at Fordham University, and visiting professor of governance of the commons at LUISS Guido Carli where he directs LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of the Commons ( Appointed by the EU Committee of the Regions to draft the opinion on the “Local and regional dimension of the sharing economy“.  

Christian has published several articles in the field of public and administrative law and, in particular, land use, public goods and the commons, public services and public contracts, urban law and local government. He has authored two books on “The in house publicly-owned companies. Contribution to the principle of self-organizatin and self-production of local governments” (Jovene, 2007 – 2012, II ed.) and “The regulation of urban mobility” (Jovene, 2008) and has co-authored Italy of the Commons (Carocci, 2012). Iaione’s current research focus is on governance of the commons, in particular urban commons and knowledge commons, sharing economy, collaborative economy, social innovation, and public-private-commons partnerships.

